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Beyond a brand

Conscious Consumption (CC) is a way of living...

How can we find stability
in the relationship with what is moving through us?

If we can mindfully guide our nourishment with our intentions,
then we can witness them blossom.

We recognize that inevitably, all is passing through.

So how does it pass through you? Do you get to choose how life moves through you--to who and what you allow to enter your sacred temple; your body?

You absolutely do.

As you rise in love in your relationship to nourishment.

Come into contact with what is continuous. This ongoing process of intake and output; accumulation and purification.

Realise the continuity; the inseparability; the connection. It is you.
It has always been you.
So begin to see it all as your Self.

Through this process, we hope you discover the alchemist that dwells within--in the unexcelled state that is forever
present, manifest, and aware.

So it is.

Stability in Unity through Mindful Nourishment

Integrating intentionality into everything you consume.

Our Mission

Shifting the paradigm in the way we consume; integrating devotional, alchemical and intentional practices into service and ceremony.
As a service, our aim is to generate value for everyone we reach by remaining open to collaboration, and for partnership itself to emerge as an act of service.
Our standard goes beyond labels, to the core of the human experience.